- Words: The speaker should use positive words, He or she should avoid words like "but" "try" "may be" "perhaps" etc. Nor should he or she use words denoting sexist and racist connotation. A speaker who is an introvert worries about his or her choice of words.
- Expression: The speaker should lay stress on those words that effectively highlight the key expression of the theme. The choice of expression shows how authentic, sincere and enthusiastic the speaker is about his or her subject matter of the speech.
- Pace of the Voice: The speaker should so arrange the matter of the speech that during delivery a fast passage should be followed by a slow passage. However, the text itself should determine the appropriate pace. The variation in the pace of the speech makes the speech interesting to the listeners. The listeners arouse interest when the average speed of speaking is too fast for the listeners to understand. If the average speed is slow the listeners may get bored.
- Power of the Voice: The speaker should vary the power of his or her voice. For thought provoking passages he or she should drop the power as it has a surprisingly greater influence on the listeners than raising power.
- Pitch of the Voice: The speaker can make his or her speech or an oral presentation effective by starting deep down the notes. According to the nature of the text, he or she should modulate-his or her voice between high and low. The speech becomes more meaningful when the speaker makes use of tonal variations. For effective speaking, a speaker needs practice in increasing the range of his or her voice. None likes a monotonous tone.
- Pausing: An efficient speaker does not rush through the speech while thinking an oral presentation. He or she makes pauses to give the audience adequate time to collect and digest the contents of the speech. A pause yields a refreshing help to the audience.
- Clarity in the Articulation: An efficient speaker produces clearly formed words. For effective speaking, all positive sounds coming at the end of the words should be uttered with a little more power. For vowel sounds, the mouth should be properly opened as per their articulation. The speaker should also resonate his or her voice. For proper articulation, proper breathing is of great help. Breathing deeply relaxes the mind. For effective speaking, the words should not run into one another. Particularly the tongue-twisting words should be taken care of by the speaker.
- Speaking with the Required Loudness: Breathing deeply helps in making the voice louder. Unless the voice is loud enough the people do not take interest in listening to the speakers.
- Hamming: An efficient speaker makes use of a variety of expressions in speaking. This he or she does because a large group has a variety of listeners having widely differing mental and analytical levels. Hamming maintains the same effect as we have with a small group of listeners without using so much variety in expression.
Manner Of Speaking
Reviewed by Rahul Basodiya
March 27, 2021

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